8 Hormone-altering chemicals and how to avoid them


  • Endocrine disruptors are harmful chemicals that can be found in food, water and many consumer products.
  • They disrupt our hormone system, which can lead to a wide range of significant health harms.
  • It’s difficult but not impossible to avoid many endocrine disruptors.

Have you heard about the male frog that ended up with female anatomy?

The herbicide that caused that dramatic change to the frog’s body was atrazine, one of a large handful of harmful endocrine disruptors that can also cause health problems in humans. The substances can be found in food, water and many consumer products. They interfere with the hormone system and can cause nervous system damage, cancer and other health harms.

It’s difficult to avoid exposure to these toxic chemicals, but it’s not impossible. Consult this guide to endocrine disruptors to find out what they are and how best to avoid them.

EWG's Guide to Endocrine Disruptors
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